Cockermouth Tourist Information Centre & Town website
January 2025... Reports of a new buyer to re-open Jennings Brewery.More info.

2024 General Election

Penrith & Solway (includes Cockermouth)

LAB Markus Campbell-Savours 19,986 40.6%
CON Mark Jenkinson14,729 29.9&
REForm Matthew Moody 7,624 15.5%
LibDem Julia Aglionby 4,742 9.6%
GReeN Susan Denham-Smith 1,730 3.5%
IND Chris Johnston 195 0.4%
OTH Shaun Long 156 0.3%
IND Roy Ivinson 119 0.2%
Turnout 63.2% (49,281) Majority 10.7% (5,257)

Old Courthouse collapses into River

The grade2 listed Old Courthouse alongside River Cocker went up for auction July 14 2022 and was sold for £51,000. Then later in the year (2023) collapsed into the Cocker.

Controversial plans approved for block of flats in woodland near Harris Park

27/9/2023.. Despite strong opposition Cumberland Council has approved block of flats on land below Harris Park. As is often the case, consultation is an empty phrase.
Protest march planned , see full details.
What is planned can be viewed here..

Labour candidate to run for town's MP

Markus Campbell-Savours,lives in Keswick with his wife and young family, is an electrical contract manager, was an Allerdale councillor and was elected onto Cumberland Council in 2022. He was born and brought up in Keswick.

New Parliamentary showing where Cockermouth will be for next MP vote in 2024.

Local MP's extra earnings listed by Sky News

Mark Jenkinson MP
Mr Jenkinson in earlier days as a UKIP candidate.
Sky News carried out a study in January 2023 of earnings by MPs in addition to their £83,000 salary and expenses as an MP. Sky states:"The 47 donations, gifts, payments and other benefits MP Mark Jenkinson has declared so far are worth the equivalent of approximately £184,400. The top five sources are: Michael Wombwell, IX Wireless, LLoyd Motor Group, Entain Operations and Betting and Gaming Council (BGC). The value of Mr Jenkinson’s interests puts him in the top 6 per cent of all MPs. Since the start of the current parliament, only 38 members have taken in more money than this MP."

What is to happen at Crummock?

After the needless costly pipeline from Thirlmere was completed United Utility and its shareholders want to drop Crummock and Ennerdale Water as reservoirs..what will they do to our lakes? Report on 'consultations'...

*Historic note:The High Court had overturned Cockermouth's market charter, which dates back to 1221. This was because of a challenge was put forward by Christopher Lasper, of Limetree Crescent, Cockermouth. However, the county council said the town’s market charter, which dates back to 1221, could be used as a legal basis to introduce a new traffic regulation order, banning vehicles on the traditional market day of Monday if Allerdale council – as the markets authority – made the request.

* The Civic Trust have set up their own YouTube channel named "Cockermouth Civic Trust". There you can access four videos: Heritage of Cockermouth - a Gem Town Cockermouth - 50 years on (1967-2017) Part 1 Cockermouth - 50 years on (1967-2017) Part 2 800th Anniversary of Cockermouth's Market Charter.

Cumberland and Westmorland return...farewell to Allerdale

The government's plans for local government reorganisation will be complete in Cumbria by 2023, with two new unitary authorities having the decision-making powers of the existing county and borough councils. Carlisle, Allerdale and Copeland will make up the new Cumberland Council, with Eden, South Lakeland and Barrow-in-Furness forming the new Westmorland and Furness Council.

Labour chalked up a historic victory in the May election for a new Cumberland Unitary Authority Council. Of the 46 seats, Labour won 30, with the Tories bagging only 7, a crushing defeat. Workington constituency member Mark Fryer, elected in St John's and Great Clifton ward, is the new leader of the Council, with Lisa Brown (Carlisle's Currock ward) and Emma Williamson (Whitehaven's Kells and Sandwith ward) as deputy leaders. The 10 person executive group has a majority of women members. The Council, currently meeting as a Shadow authority, takes power from the Borough and County Councils next April. The new councillors' contact details are on the Cumberland Council website

£1 million turns All Saints Rooms into luxury venue

A Manchester property developer has invested big time in creating a luxury venue , which can be hired for over £1,000 a night ...ITV news on the development

Allerdale was put forwards as an option for Underground Nuke Dump thanks to outside firm

Allerdale had been "suggested" by private groups as future underground nuclear waste dump. Carlisle based developers GenR8 North have put forwards the use of land under Allerdale for a possible dump, which will have to house nuclear waste for 100,000 years. FT news.

In 2023 some officials stated that Allerdale had now been ruled out as an option. Copeland remains a likely candidate. The quango pushing the matter.... Allerdale Working Group

Read about the dump project here and see former County Councillor Martin's guidance here.

Corona Virus

Cockermouth Hospital Hospital website...

And are lockdowns a win-win option?...personal opinion piece on the issue.

Jennings Brewery ?

In 2023 Marstons closed operations at the Jennings Brewery and placed the site for sale on the open market.
23/5/2020 Marstons (owners of Jennings) agreed a deal with Carlsberg that was welcome news for shareholders as Marston had run up over £1 billion debt before the Virus also hit trading. Shares in Marstons rose 40% on the news. But the new company (60% owned by Carlsberg) says it will focus on its pub estate and plans cost savings of £24 M from the merger.

Town escapes B&M Mega store Threat

The town has been spared (7/1/2020) an out of town centre B&M Mega store. A government inspector has endorsed the views of Allerdale councillors who refused planning permission for the giant B&M store opposite the Fitz.
Allerdale councillors had last year over ruled their own planning officers and voted 7-4 to refuse permission for a B&M superstore in Low Road.
But the applicants had appealed against the council for a final ruling.
Not only was the appeal rejected (September 2019) and all the costs claimed by the applicant will have to be paid by the applicants , not Allerdale.

For some reason the planning officers had recommended ignoring the council's own policy local plan documents: namely that the land is not zoned for retail; the land is in high risk flood risk Zone 2; the threat to the Heritage of the Fitz and that the council should protect the future of town centre shops.
The Town Council, Civic Trust and Chamber of Trade and Allerdale ward councillor Joan Ellis had all opposed the plans.

& See online 'Live' River levels at South Street bridge.

Golf club logo

Heritage Day Bellringing at All Saints

Tourist Information Centre

The Tourist Information Centre is now located in the Library Community Hub: Telephone 01900 822634.

Video Tour of Cockermouth
cockermouth logo
A short video tour of the town and its setting.

Cockermouth Video from 1960s

Where in Cockermouth did Sir Lancelot
find his Sword

Can you guess where this is in Cockermouth....answer at foot of the page..

Divided Community over Brexit

Cockermouth residents voted overall in favour of Brexit and departure from the EU. The votes were 50-50 between Remain and Leave in all wards except Highfield, where the voters were around 75% for Brexit. London and Scotland voted to Remain in the EU. The British pound fell 11% against the US dollar after the UK vote. The pound recovered some ground when a partial "deal" led to UK departure from EU in 2021.

The Train now standing at Bassenthwaite Station!

Steam train at Bass
A great new tourist attraction has landed just five miles from Cockermouth. The former Bassenthwaite Lake Station has lain derelict since the closure of the Cockermouth, Keswick and Penrith Railway in April 1966. Now a developer has opened a cafe and restored the old station buildings. And the icing on the cake is a giant steam engine and Orient Express style carriages...The giant engine is a full size replica of an SNCF Class 241.

Rotary Club celebrates 80 years in the town

It was in 1939 that the Rotary Club of Cockermouth started giving 'service above self'.

Answer: Wellington Farm..great teas and llamas ...